Happy 4th Birthday, Owen!

Fun with leftover Lego parts!

Balloon fight with Grannie Lin!

Posing with his presents—and in his birthday shirt—for another birthday picture!

Katie in her new party dress…with Grannie (and a gift from Grannie):

And trying to peek around me to watch TV like Owen does:

Owen’s finished (lame) Lego cakes:

The appetizer set up:

Attempting to Skype with Gramma Jean/Grandpa David and Grandma Marsha/Uncle Rob (it didn’t work too well—our network couldn’t handle it):

Most of the attendees:

Singing Happy Birthday:

Really excited about his new Xbox Sesame Street game from Grandma Marsha and Uncle Rob:

And the guitar I found on clearance for $3 (and took the batteries out ahead of time!):

He did pretty well opening presents…except he really loved the first things he opened (Lego Cars and a Ninja Lego) so he wanted to stop right then and play but we made him keep going. 🙂 We did stop about halfway through, though, because he was losing interest and really wanted to play. Which was just fine.

One last attempt at a good Katie pic:

Our attempted family photo:

And just for comparison…last year’s photo:

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