Four year well-visit

Height: 45″ (greater than 97th percentile) — was 42.5″ at 36m (greater than 100th percentile)
Weight: 51# (greater than the 97th percentile) — was 45# at 36m (greater than 100th percentile)

So…overall he’s gained six pounds from his three-year well-visit…but he was actually up to 56# as of November (when he was weighed at his pink eye appointment) which means he had gained 11# at one point. But, he’s lost 5# since then. Interestingly, the doc said his weight is still a little high for his height!! But she doesn’t really know his history, as this is the first time she’s seen him. When I explained that he’s always been over the 100th percentile, she felt a little better about it.

He did really well with the weighing and vision test, but the iron test threw him for a loop since he got his finger pricked. Hoo boy. “OUCHIE! OUCHIE! OUCHIE!” And he hated the band-aid and wanted that off. And there was crying and snot dripping and the whole nine yards. Had I been expecting the iron test, I would have asked to wait and do it at the end of the appointment. Because then I had to try and get him to calm down to finish asking him the questions on the 48m assessment (things like Does he know middle, above, between, below? What is his response if you ask him what to do when he’s hungry? Can he name five colors?) so I was asking him those things…and he was NOT being cooperative since he was concerned about his finger. But then he got my phone to play with and settled a little.


The pediatrician checked him out and said everything looked good (heart, lungs, ears, etc.). I brought up my concerns about his poop…and I wasn’t overly impressed with her level of concern (or rather lack thereof). Her initial response was “Oh it can take six months to learn to poop.” Yeah, that’s not really the entire issue (and it HAS been six months). So after some urging on my part, she ordered blood work to test for celiac (hopefully just to rule it out) and agreed that we should try a no-cows-milk diet to see if anything changes. Then depending on the blood work results and our diet results, she’ll get us an appointment with the GI specialist if necessary.

Then it was time for vaccinations, which was awful…screaming and crying and snot (the usual). I debated saving the blood work (at another location) for another day, but figured it would be better to just get it all done in one day. So we went there after and he didn’t like that much, either…but it went okay.

So now we wait for results. And in the meantime, hope to see some results from the no-milk diet…

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