Morning chatterbox

I hear Owen go potty about 6:30—on his own! Then I hear him in his room playing with his blocks: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. There!

Then I sense him standing next to me so I open my eyes and he’s RIGHT THERE. As soon as he sees my eyes open: Mama, I’m dry! And my stuff [his night light and sound machine] is off! I get 15 minutes!

Owen: Mama, you waking up?
Me: I need a few more minutes. My bed is comfy.
Owen: My bed is comfy, too! Come see!

Owen: Mama, say Indiana [Jones].
Me: Indiana.
Owen: You spelled Indiana! Good job, mama! Good job! Goooood job!

Mom, Katie is up!

I’m Iron Man! I have this [he points to something I can’t see] and this [points to something else] and now I’m Iron Man!

Owen: I’m dry. I turned all my stuff off. I pee-peed in the potty!
Me: You’re a good boy.
Owen: Yes! I’m getting bigger. Bigger! [He runs down the hall sing-songing “Biiii-gger! Bigger!”]

I love his stream of consciousness rambling.

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