So, I’ve forgotten to mention that Owen has been wearing underwear—not pull-ups—during naps and staying dry (which earns him 15 minutes!). Yay! We also tell him that any time he has to pee, he can get out of bed…though he never has.

So after about a week of that, we asked if he wanted to try underwear at night (instead of pull-ups) and he said yes! And so far…he’s had all dry mornings!! So now we really only use pull-ups if we’re running lots of errands or might be in the car for a long time…but even then, we ask him what he wants to wear and he usually says underwear!

So this is all leading up to today, when—during his nap—he actually woke up, went to the bathroom to pee—then went back to bed!!!! YAY OWEN!!! A FIRST!!

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