
I had pita chips and hummus on the table. Owen wanted a chip and he’s never had those, but it’s a chip so he was eager to try it. Then I pushed the hummus toward him and asked if he wanted to try it.

Owen: Is it peanut butter?
Me: It’s like peanut butter.
He dips a chip and eats it.
Me: Do you like it?
Owen: Turning the hummus around to see the label… No, it’s tomato. (It’s Tuscan Herb so the picture shows a tomato and basil.)

But I rewarded him 10 minutes for trying a new food!

Owen: Mom, what are these chips called?
Me: Pita chips.
Owen: Mmmmm. I like pita chips.

He continues eating chips.

A few minutes later he’s eyeing the hummus. I ask if he wants more and he says yes.

Wait, what?



He dipped a few and ate them…so I asked if he liked it and his answer was still no. 🙂

Then he took the chips (and his milk) upstairs. About 10 minutes later he comes down—carrying the bag of chips—saying he needs “this” as he grabs the hummus, putts the top on and carries it off.

I texted Tom (who was upstairs with him) asking if he sent Owen down for it and he said no—“He wanted it. Said it is his lunch!”



Now…if only he likes it on another day!

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