Executive decision & first bottle!

I tried my hardest to breastfeed again…but I had the same problems as I did with Owen (not a good latch, painful latching, super sore breasts, etc.) so I had been pumping and then we had been feeding Katie with a syringe while she sucked our finger (so she wouldn’t get spoiled by the bottle and would still be able to breastfeed)…but then after lots of thought, I just made the executive decision to give it up and just start pumping full time and feed her with a bottle. It also nicely coincided with my mom and Aunt Marge being here, so they could help feed her! Grandma Jean got the honor of giving her the first bottle!

One Reply to “Executive decision & first bottle!”

  1. Oh Jen, I’m so happy for your Mom, she’s just beaming. You have such a special family and I appreciate being a part of it. I miss Owen and I already adore Katie.

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