Fire trucks, a helicopter, and robot, oh my!

Our local volunteer fire department had an open house and we thought Owen would love it since he loves big trucks (especially fire trucks) so off we went. And of course, since we were SO excited about it (for him) he wasn’t nearly as thrilled as we hoped he’d be with his first up close and personal viewing. Even with the helicopter. Kids!

He had to take his B with him.


He wasn’t too sure about the dog…then got closer…and eventually did give him a high five, but that was it and then he was done!

Unsure about the dog
Getting closer to the dog

I think he had more fun with the bracelet and the cone, for as much interaction as he had with it!

Sitting in the helicopter (after a bit of coercion).

Getting tired (it was very close to nap time).

Sitting in the fire truck!

Sitting in the fire truck

Pressing the button to turn on the fire truck!

Turning on the fire engine

It was really noisy and he didn’t really like it—but there was a very brief moment of calm where I got this great shot…

A brief moment of calm

…before he was DONE, which you can see by him pointing his finger down!


Walking back towards the exit, we saw the robot (and you know how much he LOVES robots!) but again, he gets shy or a little freaked out—and he didn’t get very close.

Unsure about the robot

Hopefully he still had fun…because we did!

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