The Spoon vs. The Dunk

I was really happy with how well Owen was using his spoon…until he started wanting to dunk EVERYTHING in his yogurt. Now he rarely uses the spoon. 🙁 You can give him the yogurt first, without anything else, and he will use it for a minute…but then he wants his ‘dunkers’ (whatever else I’ll be giving him for his meal).

Last night it was dill pickles, ham, apples, and banana chips dunked in banana
yogurt. In the mornings, it’s always pancakes, graham crackers, and apples in the yogurt.

I am getting SO tired of cleaning up half the yogurt off his hands/arms/face/high chair. The spoon was SOOOO much better.


I just keep repeating “It’s a phase—he’ll grow out of it. It’s a phase—he’ll grow out of it.”

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