Stairway success!

Owen’s comprehension level has been growing lately—for the past month or so, if you ask if he wants to go outside, he runs to the gate (or the sliding door if the gate is open) and once outside, if you ask if he wants to go inside, he goes straight to the door. He also knows when he gets shoes on, we’re most likely going into the garage—and sometimes he’ll even wait outside the car door.

More recently (like within the past week or so), at naptime or bedtime, when you say it’s time for nap/bed, he will go to the gate/stairs, go up the stairs, then go to his room and wait for you to put him in the crib! What a good little boy!

So this morning, Tom brought him into our room for some cuddle TV time and when it was time to go downstairs, I told Owen, and he went directly to the stairs…then proceeded to go down all by himself! What a big boy!

Sorry about the bad video quality—I wasn’t prepared so didn’t have the lights on, then turned them on, then turned on the phone’s flash…but you’ll get the idea. 🙂

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