New car colors – blech.

We are starting to think and plan for a new car minivan [Toyota Sienna]. Shoot me. Yeah, I know people love them and I am sure I will come to love it…but I just love my Toyota Highlander SO much I don’t ever want to get rid of it. It’s nine years old and would likely last a lot more years…but if we want to have a second kid, a minivan is definitely in our future.


What really annoys me about buying a new car is all the really blah colors offered. I hate HATE blah colors. Really, these are it? /gag XX(

What happened to green? Turquoise? Orange? Purple? Give me one of those and I’d buy one ASAP. (As a point of reference, my first car was gold, my second car was bright purple, and my current car is a deep/bright green.) I actually like the black the best, but I would never get a black car. The second closest would be the South Pacific Pearl, but it’s still too muted for me.

Maybe we can hold out another year and the 2012 colors will be better. 😐

P.S. Here are the color choices I had in 2001—soooooo much better.

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