Sushi Blanket!

I got the idea from a baby blanket I saw on Etsy. I had seen that sushi fabric before and LOVED it, so I went on the hunt. No local fabric stores carried it, so I had to get it from eBay. Then I had to wait for mom to come down with her sewing machine because—a) I didn’t have a sewing machine and b) I can’t sew. 😛

So she came down and it was off to JoAnns to find some backing fabric. I loved the idea of the chenille but they only had white and that didn’t seem good for my ultimate usage ideas (the park, the beach, etc.). We ended with a reddish orange denim…and I love it.

Getting Started

Finished Projects (Blanket & Bag)

Can you guess what the handles are made from?

Look closely. More closely. Yes, the handles are bra straps. :>>

Her cool sewing machine can do letters!

And look at that cool edge stitch!

The Blanket

If I remember right, it’s about 7′ x 6′.

It is SO awesome and I am SO thrilled with it! I cannot thank my mom enough!! Oh, and just so you think she did it all…she MADE ME sew the buttons on (you can’t see them in any of the pics, but they’re there!).

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