Naps, they are a changin’…

First, I think we are slowly moving towards one big nap a day. For the past few days (this morning notwithstanding) Owen has slept in until 7:30 or 8. We assumed it was because Tom stopped showering in the guest bathroom (which he did to try not to wake me up, but was very loud for Owen’s room). While my dad and stepmom were here, and he didn’t need to go to work, he stopped showering in the early morning and Owen seemed to sleep longer. Well, on those days that he slept in, he only took one long midafternoon nap—still going to bed at his normal time. BUT…just when we thought we had a new pattern emerging…this morning he was up—babbling and playing—at 6:15. So who knows what’s going on.

But, second, I think Owen’s naps have moved to his crib vs. the living room pack-n-play. We (I) loved having him in the living room because it was easy to put him down and know when he got up. We could also, of course, peek in on him and how cute he is when sleeping. He would nap without any issues 99.9% of the time.

Things started to change once he could stand up, however, because if he wasn’t quite tired enough, he would pull back the blankets (which we had covering the pack-n-play to make it darker) and grin from ear to ear…not wanting to miss anything because he knew we were still around (which used to be helped by the blanket because he couldn’t see us). But, even with his new ability to stand up…if he was tired enough, he’d still fall asleep eventually.

But lately he just doesn’t seem to want to sleep in there. I know he’s tired but he wants to stand and look around and see me and play. So I’ve started putting him in his crib when he seems tired—and for the past two days, it has seemingly worked well, with him falling asleep in under 10 minutes and sleeping anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours.

So now, I have to decide if I want to totally remove the pack-n-play from the living room. One one hand, it would free up a big chunk of space…but on the other hand, we use the diaper changing part of the pack-n-play religiously throughout the day. We could relocate the changing table part of it to the ottoman, but then that would require us (and grandparents) getting on our/their knees to change a diaper. XX( (Although, honestly, the day is coming…as he’s technically already over the suggested 25# weight limit on the p-n-p diaper thingy.) We don’t even have a changing table in his room that we could bring down–we just used the top of a dresser. Or we leave the pack-n-play where it is and use it for storage. 🙂

Decisions, decisions…

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