You can’t imagine how hard it’s been to get some good pics of Owen’s new teeth. He shows them once in awhile, but it’s impossible to get a good (planned) picture of them—his mouth pretty much stays closed just enough to cover the teeth, and if you use your finger to pull his lip down he either sticks his tongue out to cover them or turns away.

It’s always fun when you’re scrolling through the pictures, after you’ve taken them off the camera, to find a picture that shows teeth—not just tiny stubs or a shadow or a hint of teeth—but real, honest-to-goodness teeth! Here are the best ones I’ve managed to get over the last month.

November 5:

November 12 (a bad pic overall, but a good teeth shot):

November 14:

And then I got these three today!!

Okay, now that I’ve posted those, I see that you still can’t really see them that well since they’re smaller versions. So here is a cropped shot:

Teefers (cropped)!

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