
Owen is a Houdini in his crib. Tom said he went in this morning to check on him and sometime during the night he had managed to sneak his arms out through (over? under?) the mesh bumper to a bedside table and pull the (unplugged) clock radio cord AND an unused extension cord INTO his crib. 88|

I had actually forgotten the cords were there—they had been there for at least a few days—but how did he even know they were there? Was he just fishing for anything and caught them? Did he see them and then try to get them?

I know he loves cords, but that was impressive!

What a kid.

One Reply to “Houdini!”

  1. Hoo boy. He is going to start pulling himself UP. Everywhere. You will have to raise the sides on his bed soon! He’ll head on up and over………..

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