
So Tom, wonderful husband that he is, tries to take morning duty when he can, to let me sleep.

Even, surprisingly, with his painful back issues this week.

So this morning about 4:30 the boy wanted to eat, and I was going to get up, but Tom said he would. I asked if he was SURE and he said yes—and, well, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I rolled over and didn’t think twice about it.

I heard Tom come back to bed, and then I fell asleep and the next thing I know it’s 7:15! Unfortunately, I woke up with a headache (as I did throughout the night—no idea why) and I checked the monitor and the boy was up but not squawking, so I took a few minutes to wake up, then went in there.

Of course, I got the wonderfully heart-melting morning smiles, picked him up, and went downstairs. I noticed that his onesie wasn’t quite snapped all the way (which is fine) and that his diaper seemed to be a bit askew—so I looked closer and—OH MY GOD.

Tom apparently didn’t quite get the diaper on right in the morning—one side tab was completely not latched so the diaper kind of just gravitated to one side…and of course the boy happened to poop, leaving me with poop-covered jammies, a mess in the crib, poop up my arm (from carrying him, that I hadn’t noticed until just then), and a dirty baby.


A questioning phone call to Tom was made, where he admitted he couldn’t see too well in the dark plus he was a little loopy on drugs. I told him he should be able to change a diaper in the dark, but I could understand the drugs thing.

Hoo boy. Our first real poop kinda-accident.

I guess I get morning duty until Tom is off the drugs. 🙂

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