Six month check-up

Owen weighed in at 19 lbs 7 ounces (75th percentile) and was 28.5 inches long (95th percentile)—at least I think I have those percentiles with the right measurements (I remember the doc saying he was quite tall, so I think I do).

She wasn’t worried about his eating habits—although she was surprised that he hasn’t liked carrots or sweet potato, as those are typical baby favorites. She mentioned that this is about the time to start introducing fruit, but agreed with me that we shouldn’t do that until he’s eating more vegetables.

What surprised me, though? She was not concerned AT ALL that he can’t roll over on his own yet. I mean, I am not really that concerned—I mean, it will happen when he’s ready (and he IS close)—it’s just the physical therapist who was concerned. So at least I am glad the doc and I are on the same page about that. She even said she didn’t really see a need (at this point in time) to worry about continuing the physical therapy (which is nice, since we have to go through the insurance rigamarole to see if it’s even covered, since we found out it’s a “limited” service). The doc just said “He’s a big boy, it might take him a bit longer.” Cool. Of course, I still need to keep doing his PT exercises to help out but she told me not to freak out about it all. Now, if he’s still not rolling over in a month (or two) THEN we can worry!

Everything else is fine. He got shots (which he of course didn’t like) but two minutes later he’s smiling and happy (but maybe that was due to the Tylenol I gave him beforehand). She is glad we got the helmet and wants to see him in a month “to keep an eye on it.” Which I found ironic, since we are seeing an ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALIST every two weeks and they are monitoring it…

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