My Letter to Owen

Dearest Owen,

You got your helmet today. It was a rough day for us—we know it’s the best thing for you and we know you won’t remember it AT ALL—but it still breaks our hearts knowing we have to put you through this. Your poor mommy is so emotional anyway, that just thinking about you having to wear a helmet for months brings tears to her eyes. We never knew how hard it would be to be a parent at times like this.

But you were a trooper, like always. You never cried or whined or anything like we thought and worried might happen. You’re such a good little boy. And you’re as cute as a bug in your helmet!

You just have to know that we want the very best for you. If we could make your life perfect with a snap of the fingers, we would do without hesitation…but unfortunately life doesn’t work that way.

But your dad and I will do our best to make this helmet a fun experience for you. We will only be positive about the helmet. We will try to educate people who might stare or point fingers. And heaven knows we will take a thousand cute pictures for you to have forever (and maybe, just maybe, to potentially embarrass you with when you bring home your first girlfriend!).

We love you, peanut. You are the very best thing that has ever happened to us. You are healthy and happy and we couldn’t ask for more. (Well, I might ask that you start sleeping through the night consistently because mommy is T-I-R-E-D, but that’s a letter for another day.) Soon enough this will all be over, and you will be even cuter than anyone ever thought possible. Trust me. I’m your mom—I know.


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