Yeah, so…

Something had BETTER be up, because I don’t like what my baby is turning into. 🙁

Last night he was out cold after 4oz at 8pm, and then was up at—are you ready?—10:30!!! >:XX

And I was up until almost midnight with him because he was extremely fussy and fidgety and not wanting to eat then wanting to eat then spitting up. I even gave him some gas medicine in case that was the issue.

He did, then, sleep until 5am, but this morning? His eating is off, he refuses to nap, and he’s still VERY fussy and fidgety—including crying and fussing loudly, which he NEVER does. Before this, he always ate well in the morning and always went down easy for a long nap. But not lately!

It is soooo frustrating. I know he can’t stay exactly the same forever, but this is such a drastic change for him, something has to be wrong. And then I feel guilty because it’s driving me insane—but it’s not like it’s his fault! This is when I feel like a failure as a mom. Like I am NOT cut out for this.

I hope the pediatrician has some answers today.

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