What I woke up to…

So it was a pretty good night…Owen went to bed about 8 (I think it was) and slept until 4:30!! (If only I had gone to bed at 8!) So I put him back down after his bottle and he fell asleep again…and I tossed and turned (and listened to Tom’s alarm off and on for an hour) but then I think I finally fell asleep for a bit…but guess what I woke up to about 6:30??

Tom came in the room and said “Have you seen your boy? Turn on the monitor!” So I did, and…he was on his stomach!! Up on his arms and everything! YAY! Of course we don’t know how long he was like that—he really dislikes being on his stomach, and usually only lasts 2-3 minutes before getting REALLY cranky (grandpa made him stay longer one day and Owen actually made himself sick and spit up all over).

We got him up and he was his normal sweet and happy and smiley morning self. He jumped in his jumparoo for a bit, then I fed him, then we watched some TV, then I gave him more belly time—and he actually seemed to enjoy it! Long enough for me to get some cute pics, even! Here is the best one:

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