Ugh. A/C issues. Again.

Really? Another house where the A/C doesn’t work for shit upstairs? C’mon. Give us a break.

It’s a comfy 75 downstairs and a balmy 82-84 upstairs. WTF? >:XX

And here we had hoped to not even turn the damn A/C on, being a Michigan summer and all, having been used to North Carolina summers. But shit, it’s like 81 and humid, which is still uncomfortable. And we can’t have the baby’s room that warm…so we have fans going non-stop and we just turned the A/C down another few degrees to see if it helps.

And I am going to email the landlord, but I anticipate him saying “Your house, your problem” since technically that’s what our lease says. Ugh.

I freaking hate summer, no matter the state.

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