Secretary of State, Part 2

So I went to get Tom’s plate taken care of and change our addresses. I was there five minutes before they opened and was third in line. By the time they opened, there were about 15 people waiting!

I got waited on right away (they had about five people behind the counter) and boy, was it eye-opening. :crazy:

Basically, Tom wanted to go back to using his MSU-themed license plate. He had it on his previous car, but then switched to a North Carolina plate because it was cheaper than registering the new car in Michigan. Fine. I didn’t think there would be any issue at all.

I was wrong.

The lady was VERY nice, and told me that “Yeah, you don’t want to use this plate.” Um, okay, why not? Basically, to use the same plate, we would have had to pay for the entire time it was UNUSED in order to “bring it up to date.” Michigan is one of those states where you apparently can’t let the plate lapse for any reason. Ugh. It was a matter of like $260 vs. $140 or something crazy like that. Yeah, um, give us a regular plate. 🙄 She said if we really wanted the MSU plate, we could try again in a few months, or just get a new one entirely. At least she was very nice about it, but what a strange thing. Even if we could prove the plate was unused during that time…we’d still have to pay. Oh well.

Then I changed our addresses and I was out of there in under 15 minutes. YAY!

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