Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

So I bought this book on a friend’s recommendation months ago and initially flipped through it. We were past most of the 8-12 week stuff (I hadn’t had the book then!) and he was still a bit too young for the 4-5 month stuff. I did, however, try to start paying attention to his sleep cues so I could put him down for naps instead of just waiting for him to fall asleep in his bouncy seat or on me.

But, since he just turned four months, it was time to revisit it.

So I just finished about half the book (skimming some parts)…and we have some changes to make. Hoo boy.

For one, we need to try an earlier bedtime. Right now, we try to do it any time after 7ish (it can be as late as 8). We have just been trying to see when he seems to get tired/hungry and go from there. But the book suggests trying 6:30 (well, 20+ minutes earlier than normal), saying that parents are afraid to try it thinking that the kid will get up earlier in the morning, but it generally isn’t the case—it actually helps them sleep longer. So we definitely need to try that. He isn’t sleeping THAT badly, but it would be nice for him to sleep longer. But it also relates to his morning nap…

He has been taking looooong morning naps. Generally anywhere from 3-4 hours! It’s not awful, but it is a sign that he might not be getting enough nighttime sleep (see the relation?!). Getting more sleep at night might lessen the length of the morning nap, which might then help with his afternoon naps (which he hasn’t seemed to want to take lately). Everything is related.

And speaking of his morning nap? We put him in the swing and he loves it. Well, that is okay to do as well…but it’s recommended that once he’s sleeping, you need to stop the swing. Even though it appears they are sleeping soundly, motionless sleep is best.

There is just so much to try and learn/remember… Now we just have to get dad to read the book so we can both be on the same page!!

2 Replies to “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child”

  1. Young lady,

    Just when is Tom suppose to see his kid? Remember that list of things that kids did(your post) and still managed to survive. You NEVER went to bed before eight and when you were 5-6 months if my memory serves me right, most nights you were up to 9-10.

    You are doing just fine. Owen has a natural rhythm just like you had one. You are doing pretty well I think!
    love ya, dad

  2. I agree.


    The book makes A LOT of sense. If we start sleep-training now and getting him into good habits, he will be a much happier, well-rounded child. And that is, ultimately, our goal as parents, right? I’ll give you the book when you’re here and you can see what’s going on.

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