Six hours?!?!

He’s technically eight weeks old today (the two month photo will come on April 3) and he slept for…SIX HOURS STRAIGHT last night! 88|

Except after that, he was a major crankpot fussbudget and was hungry every 20 minutes—well, I suppose he was continually hungry, but how could I have known he would want SEVEN OUNCES?—so I was up with him on and off for almost 2.5 hours. XX( (I hate it when I’m up so long with him, that I cycle through dead tired, wide awake, then back to dead tired again.)

When he finally went back down around 5:30am, he was soooo quiet (and it happened SO abruptly) that I was sure he had stopped breathing. Of course he hadn’t—he had just finally crashed. I got another two hours of sleep, and he was up and smiling at 7:30!

Anyway, knock on wood that this actually happens on a regular basis from now on.

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