
I swear, Owen is regressing at night. 🙁

He used to sleep like 2-3 hours at a time and went to bed quite easily. Now, he has been sleeping more like 45 minutes to an hour (maybe 2, with a freak 4 hours every so often) and it’s a nightmare to get him to actually fall asleep.

You will be burping him after his bottle and he will seem to be out cold. Then when you go to swaddle him he wakes up a bit, so it’s back to the rocking chair…where he fusses for a bit then seems to be out cold again. I know it takes a bit for them to fall deeply asleep, but it really seems he’s out, so you put him in his crib…and within maybe three minutes he’s fussing and/or crying. I would say 8 times out of 10 you have to pick him up again and/or change a diaper and/or burp him again. The other 2 times he eventually falls asleep on his own.

I have apparently regressed as well and now I can no longer fall asleep as quickly as I used to…so after I take care of him and go back to bed, it could be anywhere from 20-40 minutes before I fall back to sleep. :'( And since he’s not sleeping as long anymore, I might only get 30-45 minutes of sleep at a stretch. XX(

I never thought I would say this, but I’d much, MUCH rather go through the entire birth process again (!!) than deal with the sleep deprivation that comes during the first few months…

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