Spinal Ultrasound

The pediatrician wants to check out Owen’s dimple, so we have an ultrasound appointment at the hospital tomorrow. Even though she is sure it’s nothing to worry about and just wants to get it checked out…I am freaked out.

What is a spine ultrasound?
A spine ultrasound is used to take pictures of the spinal cord in a baby who is usually 3 or 4 months old or less. A baby is usually referred for a spinal ultrasound because of a dimple, hair patch, or discoloration of the skin above the anus. The study is done to look for an abnormality of the spinal cord.

What will happen during the procedure?
The baby will lie on his or her stomach on an examining table. Sometimes a towel will be placed underneath the baby’s chest to elevate it. The technologist or doctor will place warm gel (a lotion) on a transducer (similar to a microphone), and place this on the baby’s back to take pictures. The test takes about 15 to 30 minutes. The radiologist will see if the spinal cord looks normal and if it is in the normal position.

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