So, how was last night???

Not too bad, considering my expectations weren’t terribly high.

We had watched the happiest baby DVD so fed him then tried some of the 5 S’s (swaddling, side/stomach, shushing, swinging, and sucking) and put him down. He cried off and on for a few minutes then was out. YAY! For an hour. :no:

Sidenote: how the hell can he sleep four hours after a morning or mid-day feeding, but only sleeps an hour after a midnight feeding? Research apparently suggests that it takes babies a while to learn day from night, and it should begin to resolve itself soon.

So then I was up for almost an hour feeding/changing/comforting…and he was out…for another hour. :no: Another hour of duties…and he was finally out for about three hours. :yes: After I fed him, Tom took over and I got to sleep another two hours (until 8am).

So it worked, and he’s out of our bed. I’d hoped he would sleep in longer spurts (since I know he can during the day) but it went better than I’d expected.

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