Oh, the crying.

He’s not even colicky, but I can see how the crying would drive someone insane.

Wait, I mean INSANE.

I am pretty patient and thought I was dealing well with the crying—because he really IS a pretty good baby—but the crying has started getting to me (egads, and we’re only on our third week).

He will eat and eat and eat and eat and be falling dead asleep and nothing I do will wake him up to eat more—so I assume he’s satiated. He has burped and pooped and has a fresh diaper change, so that part is taken care of. So what’s left? Nothing. I mean, maybe it is gas or another burp…but I keep burping and waiting…and nothing ever comes, so he must be crying (SCREAMING) because he wants to be held. Which sounds great, except it makes for a looooooooong night when I am already exhausted and just want to get back to bed.

And then I think “Hey, let me just try feeding him again, just in case.” And he will suck it down like he hasn’t eaten in days! GRRRRRR!!

I know these frustrations will be over soon (and new ones will take their place) but in the meantime, let’s just hope for some silence. 😛

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