I swear this kid hates me.

Last night at about 4am, I told Tom “No more babies.” It was that bad. :no:

Now, in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t that bad but it was bad enough at that moment I was totally serious.

We went on our date night dinner (our first night out since he was born) last night and Owen apparently slept the whole time, plus ate his 4oz bottle. We got home at 7:30 and he was ready to eat. Out of the next hour, he nursed for about 25 solid minutes and was DEAD asleep…nothing I did would wake him up. So at 8:30 we started to go to bed, telling the grandparents to bring him up when he woke up/got hungry. We got to sleep about 9:30 and were excited when they didn’t come up until 12:30. THREE HOURS! YAY!

So then I fed him from 12:30-1:30. And then didn’t get back to sleep until 4:30. >:XX He was crying/screaming and then dead tired, so I’d put him in the crib, which would last anywhere from 2-10 minutes before he was screaming again. I tried feeding again, and that would last maybe five minutes and he didn’t want anything to do with it. I even broke down and got his pacifier (I only give it to him when I know he’s just eaten and not hungry) and that worked for maybe 10 minutes until he spit it out.

FOUR HOURS I tried to get him back to sleep and he was having NONE of it. I was a wreck.

I was up at 6:30 to feed him again (so, he slept for about two hours) and put him back down about 7:45 and he was crying again. My stepmom got up about this time and took him downstairs. I heard a few cries, but for the most part? Totally asleep. And it’s 9:57 and he’s still sleeping.

I really hope this ends soon and he starts to sleep more and/or get on the real night and day schedule, because this is making me insane. :'(

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