Guess who came early?

I rolled over in bed about 1:30am…and my water broke! (At least it was at my own house in my own bed and not checking out cabbage at Kroger!)

I tried to fall asleep again (because I was SOOOOOOO tired) but just couldn’t do it. I figured since I wasn’t having any contractions at all, I would wait until a decent hour to call my doctor—and in the meantime, pack my bag just in case.

When I talked to the doctor about 5:30am, she told me to get to the hospital… Long story short, I was checked in, was administered Pitocin about 10am, contractions started about noon, the epidural came about 2pm, the pushing started about 6pm, and after much excruciating hell, Owen arrived on the scene at 7:34pm weighing 7.1# and coming in at 19″ long.

There will be a more detailed entry as I piece together the string of events. 🙂

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