Salvation Army

I have wanted to go into the local Salvation Army just to check it out, but Tom has never wanted to stop. Well, he was finally in the mood today…and wanted to check out the baby clothes. 🙂

Well, as luck would have it, their daily sale was any five blue tags for $5. So we pawed through the many racks of baby clothes and found 10 things. I know we shouldn’t really be buying a ton of clothes, but at $1 a piece, how can you not? We threw in a few extra cute pieces, and went to check out. The cashier gave us the other pieces for $1 each as well, since he said he put boy clothes on sale today and no one had bought any! BONUS!

I am sure we will go back—there was lots of nice stuff, and even stuff with tags. Of course, you do have to look through a lot of stuff to find what you want, but you can’t beat the prices!

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