25 Random Things

I got tagged on Facebook to create a list of 25 Random things, facts, habits, or goals about myself. It’s great fun to read other people’s lists, and while you are reading their lists, you can think of a hundred things about yourself…until you try to write your own list. Anyway, I thought it was kinda fun, so decided to cross-post it here. Enjoy!

  1. Today I am laundering baby clothes for the first time.
  2. For the past month, I have spent just about the majority of every day on the couch with a laptop and remote at my side, and with a dog and cat on my lap under a blanket. It sucks being 7-8 months pregnant and having no energy.
  3. I really really really miss all our friends in North Carolina.
  4. We have no friends in Michigan (that are really close enough to do things with).
  5. I think I would go insane without our TiVo.
  6. I am aghast at the monthly gas bills here ($307 this month). That is insane, when you add the electric bill in, too. And we thought NC summers were bad!
  7. I love my Slanket.
  8. We have lived here almost three months and there is still unpacking to do. The basement is scary full of junk.
  10. Prenatal vitamins have done NOTHING for my nails. My nails are pathetic.
  11. Wooly Mammoth Crocs are the shit.
  12. I think our local Krispy Kreme should have a Twitter feed for when their donuts are Hot & Fresh so I know when to go.
  13. I love grocery shopping! You should see our freezer and pantry!
  14. I really don’t want to have this baby early, but DAMN I want to be rid of the acid reflux, heartburn, and neverending peeing.
  15. I thought I would love having wood floors, but turns out I don’t. They’re noisy and cold. At least in this house.
  16. I want fries.
  17. I am watching Bob & Tom Radio on WGN on the TiVo as I compile this list.
  18. I am trying to decide what shows to cut out of my viewing schedule, as I know that having a newborn will not be conducive to watching the same amount of TV as I do now. Damn kids. 😛
  19. I would KILL to go on a style show like Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style. I need a new style, a new wardrobe, a new haircut…and not the first clue how to go about it myself.
  20. I can’t wait until the day when we can have our dream house, in our dream location, with great friends, a basket of Bostons [Boston Terriers], and maybe one or two more kids.
  21. I watch “Jon & Kate Plus 8” because I figure if they can handle EIGHT kids, I can surely handle ONE.
  22. I really should be taking more pregnant pictures of me because, although I hate how I look now, I am sure I will want pictures of me later.
  23. I am not doing well on my everything-I-thought-I-would-get-done-while-I-wasn’t-working-before-the-baby-arrived to do list.
  24. Skip the Pet-i-Cure. It was great for the three or four times we used it until it died. That was $50 down the toilet.
  25. I am watching American Idol for the first time in years.

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