Names have been picked!

I swear I had already posted this, but after a chat with my dad, he assured me I hadn’t. That said, I still thought I had told anyone and everyone what the names were!

So, without further ado…

Kathryn (Katie) Jean for a girl, after my Grandma Len and my mom.

Owen Michael for a boy, after Tom’s dad and my dad.

I originally wanted Robert Michael (both our dad’s first names) but that is Tom’s brother’s name so I didn’t quite want that.

What’s funny is we’ve had these names picked out way before we knew we even wanted kids—I remember having the discussion back when we lived in Virginia (so, 2001-2003 time frame). After realizing that Robert Michael wasn’t going to be it, and knowing I really wanted to include Tom’s dad’s name somehow, I cautiously inquired of Tom: “Please tell me your dad had a great middle name…” and he did! Owen! Perfect! I love it!

I have two OB appointments Monday—one with the regular OB doctor at the Naval Hospital and one with the fetal medicine specialist—and I am pretty sure we will find out the sex (of course, if the baby cooperates).

We are really hoping for Katie… I joke because if we have a boy first, I don’t want to take the chances of having TWO boys (no way, considering the horror stories about Tom and his brother!). If we have a girl first, we may try for #2. :>>

2 Replies to “Names have been picked!”

  1. KatieJeanKatieJeanKatieJeanKatieJeanKatieJeanKatieJean

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