My appetite is wonky.

Yes, you read that right—wonky.

I usually wake up hungry, which is NOT normal for me. So I might have a tiny bowl of cereal or a granola bar.

Then right before I leave for work I make my fruit smoothie and eat that. That usually holds me until lunchtime, but lately it’s not enough and I need a mid-morning snack. But not all the time—other days I won’t be hungry until 1:30 or so.

Today was even stranger. I ate my lunch about 12:30 and I still felt hungry, but didn’t eat anything else because I knew I had eaten plenty. Then about a half hour later I suddenly felt too full, like I had gorged myself! And I felt certain I wouldn’t even need to eat dinner. Come 4:45 I was dying of hunger and couldn’t wait to get home and eat. I had a half bowl of pasta and wasn’t terribly stuffed but stopped eating…and an hour later? I felt so stuffed I almost felt sick. Very frustrating.

Then when it was time for bed, laying there, I couldn’t tell if I just still felt full, or if I was going to throw up, or if it was all my imagination. (I was actually pretty sure I wasn’t going to throw up, but I keep expecting “morning sickness” so I think I was making myself sick.) So I just took a Tums and fell asleep.

I know I am supposed to eat six small meals a day—basically grazing—but I didn’t really think about it until today. So it looks like grazing is the answer from here on out.

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