It doesn’t feel like Easter.

I hate it not feeling like Easter.

Easter used to be this great day when my whole family (mom’s side) would get together at my grandpa’s house (an 1.5 hour drive for us, we’d go for the whole weekend), you’d get dressed up, the house would smell for hours of delicious things like sausage (oh, the sausage…the stuff of dreams!), cheesy potatoes, ham…and the side dishes like deviled eggs and our family’s homemade dill pickles. After dinner the guys would do the dishes (no dishwasher at the old house) and then we’d spend the rest of the afternoon playing cards and chatting. And there would always be the delicious leftovers to take home (well, minus the deviled eggs!).

Now we have moved away. And my grandfather has died. And my mom just told me they aren’t even getting together this year because too many people couldn’t make it.

I know people are busier than ever in today’s world, but I honestly wonder why so many of them couldn’t make it to an afternoon meal?

Oh well.

I just really miss family get-togethers, and it makes me sad to miss them—and to know that even though everyone (except us) still lives close enough to each other to make it work and it still doesn’t work? :'(

So our Easter is going to be spent outside on yard work: We have to pull up a dead tree in the front yard and replace it (already purchased). Tom wants to fertilize the lawn. Bushes need to be trimmed. Weeds need to be pulled. Hopefully it will be another perfect-weather day like yesterday (mid 70s, breezy, and sunny) so being outside will be wonderful.

But it still won’t feel like Easter.

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