Christmas Eve Dinner

So, funny story.

I am eating my Christmas Eve dinner at the computer. Exciting, right? |-|

It’s frozen crab rangoon, from Sam’s, totally nothing to write home about, but it’s somewhat tradition to eat hors d’ ouevres on Christmas Eve (mom and I started it a long time ago), and this was all I had in the freezer. (Tradition also includes a bottle of Tosti d’ Asti, which I forgot to chill, so I am drinking the next best, our favorite Moscato d’ Asti.)

So, I have eaten one or two rangoons with no issue. Then I bite into one and the thing splits open and crab rangoon innards go shooting across the desk and land—are you ready?—ON THE CAT. Oh my god, I thought I was going to die laughing between the actual sight of innards shooting out of the rangoon and the look of surprise? terror? on the cat’s face. Of course she didn’t want to lick it off, and made to leap away to try and run from it, so I had to grab her and clean her (okay, wipe most if it off and then let her do the rest).

There’s nothing like crab catgoon? cat rangoon? crab rangcat? for Christmas. 😀

2 Replies to “Christmas Eve Dinner”

  1. OMG – that would have been a great video! I don’t know who was more surprised–you or the cat? How funny………….a good story to humor us all!

  2. Christmas is in your heart and you have a big heart. All the trappings are not there but your spirit still is and your sense of humor is there too. I knew we should have put up your tree when we were there.

    merry christmas

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