That’s a lot of teeth!

I think Katie will have a full mouth of teeth in a few months. Here’s where she was on June 28:

2013-06-28katie-teething- chart

Here’s what’s going on now—FOUR new teeth in the process of coming in:


Holy wah. Thankfully she hasn’t really been a terror (just like Owen—YAY!)—we didn’t have any idea they were coming in until we were changing a diaper and were able to see down her mouth and saw lots of new white points. 🙂

Unexpected Molar!

So we knew that Katie was getting some new teeth (see last teething post from a few days ago: Katie’s Teeth) but imagine my complete shock and surprise when I happened to take this picture…


…and looked at it later, blown up:


HOLY CRAP! That’s a molar coming in! That’s ahead of schedule…and no wonder she wasn’t eating and was fussier than normal! Poor kid! So these are the two new teeth breaking through on vacation:

2013-06-28katie-teething- chart


We were going through Owen’s bedtime routine and I was brushing his teeth. When I’m done, he gets to drink water and spit (his favorite part—I let him do more than necessary because he loves it so—and it hopefully keeps him out if the bathroom doing it unattended).

So tonight he was drinking and spitting, drinking and spitting, drinking and spitting—when he stops and says “OOPS!”—realizing he had unintentionally swallowed the last mouthful of water instead of spitting it out. Then he started laughing like “How did that happen?” It was adorable.

The pain begins.

So this morning, as usual, I found Owen in his bathroom drinking water and spitting—so I put away his cup. I also put away his toothpaste and his animal flossing strips (because he thinks they’re toys and I really don’t want him losing them around the house—which would happen in about 14 seconds). I told him that we only got out the toothpaste, cup, and flossers when it was time to brush his teeth.

Fast forward 20 minutes or so when I hear the bathroom sink on full blast AGAIN. I go in there and he is…BRUSHING HIS TEETH! That little shit. I couldn’t yell at him because he was doing something good—on his own and something I had just mentioned—but it was still frustrating because I had told him not to play in there.

So, what was the first thing I did? Tell him not to move (because I had to run and get the camera, of course!). 😆

Then I noticed all the toothpaste. In the sink and on his toothbrush and on his face and—WAIT. Where did he get toothpaste—I had put it away!? Did he climb up and get it out of the medicine cabinet??? No…I checked and that one was still there. So he obviously found another one somewhere (from our recent trip to the dentist, I’m guessing—but I don’t even know where it was!) AND managed to twist off the screw top (which, ironically, he can NEVER do when we ASK him to do it), and fill the sink with strips of toothpaste (which you can’t see in the picture). I also wondered what the bowl was doing there…and I didn’t have to wait long to find out: he was using it to drink from since I had taken his cup away.

I flossed his teeth, sent him on his way, and cleaned up the sink. AND PUT EVERYTHING AWAY AGAIN. Yes, it was a bit of a mess…but yes, I know it could have been A LOT worse.

So the pain is starting. He’s turning into a mischievous little boy with a mind of his own. Part of me loves it because it means he’s growing up, getting smarter, and thinking about things. But on the other hand, it’s a shit ton more work keeping an eye on him because you never know what he’s going to get into.

Owen’s first dental appointment

Owen did great at his first dentist appointment—not perfect, but they said he was better than some 10 year olds! It took some convincing to get him to sit in the chair, and then more convincing to wear the lead robe for x-rays, and he wanted Backyardigans on the computer monitor—but there was no whining and no tantrums, so I consider it a major success! They even said that x-rays at this point are more to get him used to the idea rather than getting actual usable x-rays, so it was no big deal that they only really got one good one. And they were able to clean all his teeth and the dentist said they all look good! YAY OWEN!

Whimpering, night #3.

Last night was better—he woke up crying (more like loud whimpering) at 8:45 and since he didn’t sound too bad, we let him cry, hoping he’d go back to sleep. Which he did after about three minutes.

As we were going to bed about 9:45, he did it again. This time it was a loooooong seven minutes before he soothed himself and went back to sleep.

This morning Tom asked if I heard him crying at 2am (I didn’t—I was apparently dead to the world) and Tom said it only lasted a few minutes before he was back asleep.

So it looks like maybe we’re on the upswing?

(Oh, friends suggested it was his second set of molars…which it might very well be, though it’s nearly impossible to check since he won’t open his mouth on command and if you stick a finger in you get chomped.)


Owen has been REALLY cranky yesterday and today, and long story short, today I happened to look inside his mouth, and what do I see but the teeny tiniest little teefer poking through each side on the bottom! According to this chart, it’s the first molars (at least the best I can tell—it’s about in the middle of his gums away from his two front teeth)! Poor kid! :no:

So, right now, we have these eight teeth in varying stages of eruption:

He really only has three full teeth (still) and three partial teeth (still). I say still because he’s had those same three full teeth and partial teeth for MONTHS now, even though the partials are s—l—o—w—l—y coming in.

Just as an FYI, tere is the chart for the secondary teeth.


Beaver alert

How pathetic is it that NEITHER of us noticed this before this week? 😮

Our crib did come with the plastic covers on the side rails…but nothing on the ends, which is (of course) where he’s biting. He’s also biting the space below the plastic cover. Tom is going to install additional rubber stuff (that we bought for the entertainment center, but isn’t long enough) when he gets home tomorrow.

Two more teefers!

Owen has two new teeth coming in! I didn’t even notice them until I was playing with Owen on my lap—I was tossing him into the air and he was laughing with his mouth wide open so I had a clear view of the top teeth! They are just tiny points, but they are definitely there! He apparently hasn’t been suffering at all, because we didn’t have a clue! Maybe these two will be painless like the first ones were!


We have a sick boy. :(:(

I think it’s just a cold because he’s just got a LOT of snot flowing (runny nose and sneezes, knock on wood it doesn’t get worse)…so we’ve got both the Vicks Waterless Vaporizer and his humidifier going at night.

His fourth tooth is also coming in, so maybe that’s part of him being sick (you never know what strange side effects teething will have).

Dog food & a parenting YUCK night.

Owen is fast. Which is why the new gate normally stays closed:

But sometimes I leave it open so he can crawl up the step and into the kitchen. So tonight, he actually bypassed the water bowl and headed straight for the island…which is where the dog food is. He was fishing in the bowl, which made Maggie come running because she thought she was getting something good. It was funny because she saw him in her bowl, and suddenly she wanted to eat her food! I actually called Tom to tell him, and while I was talking to him, I saw a piece of food go in Owen’s mouth. Stinker! I wasn’t terribly worried, but I did try to get it out—to no avail. So Owen has officially eaten his first (and certainly not last) piece of dog food! He seemed no worse for the wear and I laughed about it.

Fast forward to dinner, when he becomes Mr. Crankpot. I am sure it has to do with him teething right now…but he’s fine ALL DAY and only turns cranky in the high chair. So he’s either becoming a fussy eater (some nights I’ve had to open three or four different jars of food to find something he’ll eat) or there’s something about eating while teething that’s the problem. Regardless, he’s just been off kilter for a few days—but he always ends up eating his normal amount (it just might take longer…and more patience).

So tonight I tried homemade carrots and that was a no-go for the second time. Then he finished the Zuchinni and Squash Stage 3 jar we started at lunch. Then I tried to give him some itsy bitsy noodles with some butter, and he ate a few small bites but he didn’t like that (although he has been okay with those same noodles mixed IN something). All this was interspersed with puffs, cheerios, freeze-dried corn, and veggie straws—all typical meal snacks. He still needed to eat more, though, so I got out some green veggies.

And he was eating just fine.

And we were almost done.

When he started coughing.

Which turned into almost choking.

I was just starting to get him out of the high chair when he started vomiting. There was nothing I could really do except let it happen. Yuck. The only good thing was that it stopped the choking. But it was all over everything: him, his clothes (jeans, onesie, and socks), the high chair (tray, seat, and foot ledge), me (jeans and shirt—he missed my shoes), the dining room chair cover—and as I learned later while cleaning it up…there was spatter in the entryway to the kitchen, the wall behind where I had been sitting, the floor under the high chair (and the inside underneath of the high chair…and the dog. Yes, the dog. And it was all green.

And speaking of the dog, yes, she cleaned it up. I didn’t want her to, but I was too busy taking care of and cleaning up Owen to worry about her. So I got him in his PJs and he was no worse for the wear. He was sitting, playing, and watching Sesame Street while I went to clean up the dining room. Egads, what a mess.

Definitely a parenting YUCK day.

A big day for the little man!

Owen’s been a little cranky during meals over the past two days, but I didn’t think much of it. Today, Tom was sitting there with us and said “He’s got a tooth!” I had totally missed it! He’s getting his top right front tooth! :>> So now he’s getting teething tablets and Tylenol and Motrin.

Then, the biggie… HE MADE IT UP THE STEP! Just one day after he managed to stand up on his own!

And then later in the day…

Hoo boy, we have our work cut out for us tomorrow getting the rest of the first floor baby-proofed…and my days at home just became A LOT harder.


You can’t imagine how hard it’s been to get some good pics of Owen’s new teeth. He shows them once in awhile, but it’s impossible to get a good (planned) picture of them—his mouth pretty much stays closed just enough to cover the teeth, and if you use your finger to pull his lip down he either sticks his tongue out to cover them or turns away.

It’s always fun when you’re scrolling through the pictures, after you’ve taken them off the camera, to find a picture that shows teeth—not just tiny stubs or a shadow or a hint of teeth—but real, honest-to-goodness teeth! Here are the best ones I’ve managed to get over the last month.

November 5:

November 12 (a bad pic overall, but a good teeth shot):

November 14:

And then I got these three today!!

Okay, now that I’ve posted those, I see that you still can’t really see them that well since they’re smaller versions. So here is a cropped shot:

Teefers (cropped)!