Poor Katie…bug bites.

So we went on another walk this morning…and it started out perfectly. Owen was our guard again and today he brought a gun—he’s serious about his duties!

But the fun quickly turned to disaster as Katie somehow got stung twice at the same time by…bugs I completely missed!!

We were walking along and I was watching her legs because she was right in front of me and she just stopped and started screeching that she was hurt. I thought she was just being a 3yo drama queen because I looked and there was nothing wrong with her that I could see. I tried to keep us walking but she was limping and shuffling along and had big serious tears. So I stopped to look again—and THEN I could see the two tiny bites right under her kneecap. (Once I got home and Googled, they appear to be wasp bites.)

I know they’re small and fast, but I still can’t believe I missed a bug flying in, stinging her twice, and flying away while I was staring directly at her legs!!

Of course she wanted me to carry her back so I tried the best I could on the trails but made her walk most of it. We got home and I put her leg up and iced  it and she got Ibuprofen. I watched her like a hawk, even though I was pretty sure she wasn’t allergic…but she was fine with her bandaid. đŸ™‚ 

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