Someone is sad.

So Owen was eating a snack of apples and peanut butter and I was on the computer when I hear him say he needs a wipe. Okay, fine. That’s normal.

I go out there and he has thrown up his apples and peanut butter all over the place—on himself, his B, the blanket he was sitting on, a stuffed animal toy… He was just sitting there looking totally dejected and says “I’m sad.” 🙁

I hadn’t heard any ruckus, so I asked if he had choked on the apples and he said yes. He didn’t seem totally confident, so I asked if his stomach hurt and he said yes. So who knows what really happened.

He felt warm so I took his temp: 101.7. EEK! Talk about feeling completely clueless…he’s only been sick like twice so I didn’t really even know what to do! He seemed fine overall so I just let him lay on the couch and drink water. I waited a bit and took his temp again because I figured he might have just been hot and sweaty from throwing up (I know it happens to me—and I was using one of those forehead thermometers and it said if you were sweaty it might misread). I took it like 20 minutes later and it was down to 100.

Poor kid.


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