Katie’s 2-month appointment

Weight: 13 lbs. 4oz.
Length: 23-1/2″

She did just fine at her well-visit…but the immunizations were a different story. Poor kid needed four—three shots and one oral. She actually did okay considering she got roughly poked three times (I know there’s not really a great way to give shots, but the guy seemed really rough…and he completely missed the spots where he had pre-applied the band-aids).

And we learned that apparently the way she deals with shots is to completely CRASH for five hours and then wake up screaming bloody murder and refuse to be comforted for 30 minutes, then CRASH for another nap, then wake up screaming bloody murder and refuse to be comforted for 30 minutes. Fun!

So, the next time? Tylenol BEFORE the shots. I didn’t do it this time because I wanted to see how she was going to react. Thankfully it wasn’t worse.

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