First full sentence!

Owen just said his first honest-to-goodness full-on sentence with no prompting from me!

He always says things like “milk please” or “piggies please” (Olivia)—and I always tell him he needs to say “Mama, can I watch piggies, please?” etc. He tries but mangles everything together, so over the past few days I’ve started slowing it down and having him repeat every word after me, which he does just fine (then mangles it when he tries it all at once). I also tell him he needs to ask/say please on his own without me prompting him each time.

So we were just downstairs after breakfast and he kept saying “mama upstairs, mama upstairs” and I was ignoring him, waiting for him to either ask please or offer his version of a full sentence…when he stopped, looked very thoughtful, then slowly and clearly said “Mama…can…I…watch…piggies?”

Yay!! 🙂

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