Pregnancy Manifestations

So much for strong nails…apparently my prenatal vitmins are not helping too much in this regard. My nails are the same as ever—if anything, they seem worse.

And hair? Ha. It’s not growing quickly or getting thicker as pregnancy books like to tell you will happen.

I don’t have the wonderful pregnancy glow, either. My skin is the same as it’s always been—crappy.

Interestingly, my boobs haven’t changed much—much to Tom’s chagrin.

Gas? Oh yes, I have that. Not bad and not all the time, but I do have it.

Heartburn? Of course! That is neverending!

Shortness of breath? Add it to the list.

Trouble sleeping? Every night. I desperately want to sleep on my stomach (I’m mostly a stomach sleeper to begin with) so it’s a night flipping side to side to side to side (spend too much time on one side or on my back and something goes numb—fun!).

Am I having fun yet? |-|

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