Appointment and Maternity Clothes

This morning I had my last on-base OB appointment. It was just a quick check-up, really—heard the baby’s heartbeat and the doc warned me about high blood pressure (apparently, it was a bit high again, and I am at the point in the pregnancy when it should be the lowest of all). He said I might have to worry about a few forms of hypertension. Then it was off to medical records to request a copy for the move…but of course I needed Tom’s orders (which I didn’t have) so he has to go back and request them for me.

On the way back to work I stopped at Target just to see what they had in the way of maternity clothes. Ha, funny. They had about six racks, none of which were plus size…so I guess maternity clothes are only for rail-thin people and I will have to wait until we get to Michigan with a wider variety of stores. (Sidenote: I don’t REALLY need maternity clothes yet, but some pants are finally starting to get tight.)

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