Will wonders never cease?

So Maggie and I don’t agree on trimming her nails: I want to do it and she hates it. :)) I still try to do it every so often, and I play with her feet while she’s laying in her bed next to the computer…just to try to get her used to it. But she never falls for it. Sometimes, I manage to get one or two nails cut before she is too fidgety to control. When Tom is here, one of us placates her with treats (me) while the other person snips (Tom). It’s nearly impossible for one person to do alone—especially since we are always afraid we are going to cut too much and get the quick—until tonight. When I successfully clipped ALL of her nails! I’m not sure why she let me tonight—and there was still some fidgeting—but not enough to deter me! YEA! That’s money saved, as I usually take her to Petsmart to have it done!!

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