Clinic Update

So I just called (had to wait for my boss to leave the office) and once the nurse knew who I was, she apologized profusely. I basically asked her “What now? Do I need to worry about anything? Do I need to be more careful? Do I need to take drugs? Do I need medical attention?” And she asked my symptoms again, how long I had bled before, etc., then put me on hold to talk to a doctor.

She came back to say that I should be fine. If anything strange happens, or I get a high fever, or if I have more bleeding, come straight in…otherwise, I should be fine. Also, it is recommended we wait three months before trying… I honestly didn’t think of asking about trying before that limit…my mind was swirling as it was. (But needless to say if we wait three months, it’s not going to happen at all.)

She did say if I need ANYTHING else, do not hesitate to contact her. I said “Okay, I do have another small thing then” and proceeded to tell her I was on antibiotics (for something else entirely) and now had a yeast infection (“On top of everything else?!” she exclaimed. Yes, I told her. What fun, eh?) so she said she would have a scrip ready for me by 5.

Since hindsight is 20/20, I should have asked if she thought it was an actual miscarriage or something else (chemical pregnancy, etc.) but of course I didn’t think of it at the time because I was just so thrilled to be talking to someone and hearing reassuring words.

So, now the question is….do we keep trying because he’s going to be gone…or do we stick with the doctor-recommended wait time (which will evolve into 15 months)?

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