Am I still pregnant?

Well, this is interesting…and possibly depressing. 🙁

So Tom and I were talking last night about how I haven’t been sick at all—and while that’s great for me (and while rare, it does happen), it sort of sucks because that would be one way to really know I was pregnant.

Wait, you say, but you got a positive test result at home AND at the doctor’s office. Well, yes, that’s true…but I just can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t quite right. I know, the spotting could all be normal, but it really did freak me out. So we decided just for the hell of it that I would take another pregnancy test. After all, I had one left that was just sitting there.

So I just took it and…not pregnant. Wait, what? Yep, NOT PREGNANT.

On one hand, it confirms my/our suspicions and would actually be for the better (due to our all-around situation right now)…but of course it is also somewhat disappointing, just because we’ve been waiting so long and, of course, have gotten excited (even though our situation isn’t perfect).

I did some quick research and it appears that it could be/have been a chemical pregnancy:

Unless you are testing early, most women may not even be aware that they were pregnant as a chemical pregnancy will often end before any physical pregnancy symptoms manifest (including a missed period). With a very sensitive pregnancy test, it is possible to receive a positive result—and then later test negative if the woman experiences a miscarriage (chemical pregnancy).

Chemical pregnancies are unfortunately very common. 50 to 60% of first pregnancies end in miscarriage very early in pregnancy. Most occur without the woman even knowing that she was pregnant.

A chemical pregnancy means implantation takes place (hCG is produced for a short time) followed by a miscarriage (generally, before any other pregnancy symptoms or signs are noticeable). Chemical pregnancies are quite common and typically only detected by couples who are actively trying to conceive and test for pregnancy on a regular basis. They occur very early—and the pregnancy ends very soon after impantation.

So the more I read about it, the more I’m thinking that’s what has happened.

Final answer? Although I will go back to the doctor’s office next week for a blood test, I’m going with women’s intuition and google research and saying I’m really not pregnant anymore.

One Reply to “Am I still pregnant?”

  1. Well, that is not what I wanted to hear, BUT it is very common. I’ve heard statistics about first pregnancies ending in miscarriage. Never heard the term chemical pregnancy, but it makes logical sense. It does sound like your symptoms/lack of symptoms points toward that supposition. DAMN. But you know what I’m going to say……”if it was meant to be, it’ll happen; if not, it wasn’t meant to be”…………I’m going to Bay City tomorrow but I won’t be close enough to stop at the Cemetary!

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