12 in 12 (2024)

If you’ve been following along this year, you know I’ve read a ton (I’m at 175 and I’d like to finish at least five more in the next 13 days—I passed my original goal of 125 in August). I still have hundreds on my list, but I enjoyed all of the recommendations I got last year—so I did it again! Here are the 12 books recommended to me by 12 friends!

Back is at it again.

OMGGGGG Y’ALL. So I hurt my back yesterday just doing housework prepping for the cleaners…but I took an Oxy which pretty much made me forget about it.

Fast forward to the middle of the night when I woke up and couldn’t move! Freaked me out until I realized that the Oxy had just worn off and my back was super sore again—and it was just tough to move.

Stayed in bed laying down because it didn’t hurt if I wasn’t moving. Got out of bed at 9 to take another Oxy and sat on the couch hoping to take a nap until it started working…but the dogs kept playing and making noise and jumping on me and waking me up. So I kept floating in and out of sleep.

Guess who’s JUST NOW finally getting up?! OMG it’s almost 2:30.

And look who FINALLY settled down now that I need to get up.

Not quite what I wanted…

This is what I wanted going in.

This is what I looked like before.

My stylist said she hated to color my hair because she loved its natural color. I said I didn’t really care—I just wanted something a little different. We decided to do some highlights in that color.

After. Unfortunately you could barely see why color at all and we decided next time to do a ton more.