My one vacation bucket list item, year 2.

Y’all remember last year when I got to go behind the bar and stick my head under the thimbleberry margarita spout, right?

Well, this year I wasn’t expecting that but I did want more of those delicious thimbleberry margaritas… The kids were at a birthday party so the four of us headed out.

But let’s start at the beginning…

Step 1. Thar she is. Thimbleberry margaritas. 💕

Step 2. Soooooo good.

Professional (me) vs Amateur (Linda) 😂 Round 2 coming shortly.

Step 3. Ask to go behind the bar to get a picture. Get told no because there’s a camera. Say “Well I’ve been back there before…” and get the response “OH THAT WAS YOU? I REMEMBER THAT! COME ON BACK!” 😍🙌

Step 4. Get a third drink because VACATION. They also aren’t that strong.

Step 5. Time to go home. 😭😂 See you next year!!

Last day of school!

Last day of kindergarten and third grade!! 😳 and 😭

Owen agreed to let us walk him to the bus stop since it was the last day of school.

Katie’s turn:

My last day of freedom!

Papa and grannie bought the kids balloons to celebrate when they got off the bus!

Before—a kindergartner and third grader:

After—a first grader and fourth grader:

First day and last day:

Brunch with Santa!

Grannie wanted to do something “Santa-y” this weekend for the kids, so we found a Brunch with Santa… Unfortunately I think it might be the last year to see Santa—neither one wanted to sit on his lap (though honestly, neither has ever loved the idea) but they agreed to stand at his side. They did enjoy the crafts afterwards, though. 🙂

Owen’s last archery session of his beginner class!

Papa and Grannie really wanted to see Owen shoot, so we were happy they were here for his last class. (They are so proud of him that they actually paid for his next level class!) We all got to soot, as well! Papa was the best of the three of us and we got to hear all about his very dangerous bow and arrow escapades when he was a kid! 🙂

Last campfire before school

We wanted to have a fire with Papa and Grannie but needed some firewood so we actually found some free on NextDoor… Yay!

The kids caught a few lightning bugs (it’s in there, trust me).

After we made s’mores we got the fire going a bit crazy. 

The kids finally settled down and were cuddling of their own free will. 

Then they were trying to read by bug light. 

Blue Man Group in Chicago!

I’ve always wanted to see Blue Man Group and when I mentioned it to Grannie she said they’d like to go, too…so it was off to Chicago!

Photos weren’t allowed during the show so this is all I got beforehand.

The kids absolutely loved it and they immediately asked if they could see it again. 🙂

Edited to add some googled pics of what we saw: 


Yet another trip to the Eagle Harbor beach!

Papa and Grannie took the kids back to the beach (leaving us home to relax and get ready for our dinner out) and Grannie sent these pics.


And added this commentary:

Katie found a puddle and added to it. (I confirmed she added water to it and not pee.) 🙂

Now it is a bubble bath she says.

Handstand Owen


We found them on the beach!

We pulled into Eagle Harbor and immediately saw them on the beach!

Then it was off to dinner! We showed Katie the marks on her forehead from her swim goggles! Grannie Lin and I shared a lobster pizza—yum!

Then it was off to the playground…

…while daddy, Owen, and Papa went hunting Pokemon at the Eagle Harbor lighthouse.

Then they met us back at the playground.