Olive and Ivy, Day 2

Ivy explored the main level and played a little with Olive. Olive is a little jealous but they’ve sniffed each other a bunch and then napped together on my lap.

Then since it was a nice sunny day we went outside. And they played and ran and it was a delight to watch!

Time for a harness!
They play so quietly it’s weird!

Oooh, sticks are fun!

A lucky shot!

And then the fun ended when Ivy was digging in the dirt… which earned her a bath!

And later, she refused to walk out the sliding door…but I got this amazing photo.

Fast forward to evening…

It’s official — I’ve lost my damn mind!

I’ve agreed to get a second dog.

We’d been thinking about getting a cat to have a friend/playmate for Olive, but long story short that’s just not a workable option…so when Tom found Boston puppies locally it sparked the discussion. I still have reservations, but Tom loves to remind me I’ve always said I wanted a fleet of Bostons.

So we discussed it with the kids (Katie was REALLY excited—enough to offer to pay for part!) and discussed it ourselves…and decided to take Olive to meet her and at least see what happened.

The lady warned us that “Sasha” was really shy so everyone was surprised when they got along! (Maggie never got along with other Bostons so we didn’t expect much.) They even ran around and played a bit!

We don’t have a name yet but we get her Monday. ❤️ (We had to put all of Christmas away first.)

Earning her keep.

Katie helped me take apart some beauty advent calendars to save some space. She owed me some work after she took some of my makeup (from my office) without asking.

Olive was being a pain in the butt so Katie put her in one of the boxes we just emptied. Olive didn’t seem to mind too much.

Making calendar angels. Or trying to.

Olive wanted attention.

And I’m a sucker.

The video edit: