Hey. I smell lilacs. 

So I was walking back to my car after my haircut and I suddenly thought “Hey. I smell lilacs.” So I stopped, turned around, looked up, and voilà! Ahhhhh. One of my favorite smells in the world. (We haven’t seen too many around here so it’s super exciting to run across them! And it was all I could do to NOT try and rip off a branch to bring home!)


Geese up close!

Another nice day, another trip to the playground. But we also went down to the water today because she heard another kid talking about the pond and she wanted to go, too! 🙂

Throwing rocks and twigs in—a favorite activity.


And then as we were standing there, a bunch of Canadian geese flew in and landed in front of us!

Be sure to listen for this in the last section:
Mom, they’re so cute! Maybe I could be a mermaid and go in the water with them!

And then a few artsy pictures of the boats. 🙂


So, this happened over a few hours. 

The bush was completely normal (aka not in the way) when we returned from baseball yesterday morning.

It was normal all day as we went in and out.

Then people arrived for dinner around 5:30-6:00.

Then it stormed.

Then you can imagine our complete surprise when people were leaving after our dinner and we opened the door to see this jungle.


Nature is crazy.

Chasing a full rainbow!

As we were leaving the restaurant, I saw a rainbow. 

Owen was excited to go find the leprechaun and pot of gold! We told him it was very hard to do—daddy and I had never in our whole lives been able to catch one! So of course as we were driving home the rainbow kept moving. 🙂 And then suddenly I noticed that it had moved somewhere I completely didn’t expect it… And it turns out it was the other end of the rainbow! So we could see the entire arc! It wasn’t super bright, but there was actually even a double rainbow on part of it!


We kept “following” it all the way home, and it one point it really looked like the end was on the highway and we were driving through it. And when we got home—surprise! We could still see the whole thing from our driveway!


Good morning Gulf of Mexico

We all had a rough night sleeping…not only were the four of us sharing one room, but Katie, Owen, and I were randomly coughing, Tom was snoring, and Katie would randomly cry out. I think I saw 10:30, 12, 1:15, 2:30, and 3:45 on the clock before we were ALL up at 5:45. I had to wait quite a while for the sun to even come up to take this photo from the balcony…

2014-03-12 06.58.41