A first and last time for the video game place.

We came home from a play date with friends and the kids wanted to go across the street and play with the three neighbor boys. They went over and the kids weren’t home but the dad offered to take Katie and Owen to them—they were at a local gaming place. They were both willing to spend their own money to do it so I then offered to pay for them, thinking that they would be able to play a multiplayer game with the other boys instead of being limited to two people per game like they generally are at home on the Xbox.

Fast forward to receiving this picture from the dad and this is what was going on: everybody was on a different computer doing something different. In other words, paying for exactly what they could be doing at home for free. so we had a conversation about that when they got home. Katie spent two hours on YouTube and Owen played by himself for two hours which is just an insane waste of money.


Owen doesn’t really fit on his ATV anymore and he’s wanted a Segway for awhile, so when we were able to grab one for free to try out and review, we jumped at it! He practiced in the basement and actually got pretty good, so today was his first real world experience. I’m amazed at how good he is!!

I even did a Facebook live of it…

And of course Katie wanted to try but she’s too light so Tom helped a bit.

I even got on (holding Tom for dear life) for about 10 seconds and that was enough to know I didn’t need to do it again. 😂

Happy birthday, Owen! Or not.

So I came downstairs and gave Owen a big birthday hug or four and we talked about his birthday and his sleepover that afternoon… I took a casual birthday picture.

I wore his baby face necklace and took a birthday picture with him.

I posted a happy birthday post on Facebook.

While he was at another birthday party, Tom and I gave some cuddles to Katie because we knew the rest of the day would be about Owen.

And it wasn’t until we were all eating dinner (with his friends!) that I realized it wasn’t his birthday. OMG, am I a bad mom or what?! I asked Owen why he hadn’t said anything and he just shrugged his shoulders and said it wasn’t a big deal.

That said, I knocked it out of of the park with his gift: 900 Pokémon cards. He couldn’t believe his eyes and was practically vibrating with excitement. 🙂

This is what it looks like to be the mom of a 10-year-old with two 10-year-old boys over for a sleepover. #thirdmargarita #soloud #thankheavensforbasements

I think we only had to go in about five times to tell them to quiet down, and they were out by 11:30.

Owen’s amazing Pokémon evolutions.

Owen really is amazing when it comes to creating Pokémon and evolutions. Today he was making a birthday card for his friend and wasn’t sure what to draw so we told him to draw some Pokémon. We thought he’d just draw a common Pokémon, but he came up with two new Pokémon, complete with two evolutions each, for a total of six new Pokémon (he did one for the birthday boy and one for his sister, just because). He just blows me away.


The cousins were all having a ball playing together and I thought they’d have a blast playing “WHAT U TALKIN BOUT?” (the game where you try to say phrases while wearing dental mouthpieces—there are many versions of this game). Katie had bought it for Owen for Christmas and we weren’t set to open it for days but I am glad we did…we haven’t laughed so hard in a long time! It was definitely worth the $2.50 sale price at the dollar store.

Amazon makes Katie happy!

Katie has been bugging me for a doll stroller for awhile now. I wasn’t going to get her one because she doesn’t need anything else…but then I remembered she had Christmas money from Grauntie Rose and Gruntie Jim. So she and I looked at them on Amazon and two days later, we had a happy little girl.

She walks it all over. Takes it down to Sofia’s. Takes it down to the park (almost a half mile walk!)…

A successful play date!

My new friend that I met at the playground (LOL) invited us over today so that was right after the orthodontist. They live in a new subdivision in a huge new house and it really made me miss our new houses… And yes, I told her I kind of hated her a little bit. 🙂

The kids all got along—even with Katie! They jumped on the trampoline, played Xbox for a bit, played Legos, had snacks, then played board games.

Anna was really impressed since she said normal playdates only last about 20-30 minutes before one of the boys is done. So apparently Owen and Katie are magic.

Her husband happened to come home early and he was just as great and easy to chat with as she is and we had a great time. I can’t wait for them to meet Tom!

Oh, and you know how I said it was weird how similar we were? Look what she has?

We have the same exact secretary. I have only ever seen one other of these in person and it was at antique store. Bizarre. (Truth be told, I might like ours better if it looked like this. In its current state it is NOT my style.)

The time flew and suddenly it was 3 hours later…

Bingo night at a new school!

Some background. I was at a PTO meeting awhile back (last year) and they were taking about potential fundraisers and I asked if they’d ever done a bingo night (our favorite event at Halley). They hadn’t, so I gave them the basics, then contacted the Halley PTA for their info so I could pass it on. They were happy to have the head start, and I assumed they’d contact me when they were ready to plan it so I could help…and then I forgot about it. And then at one PTO meeting about two months ago they announced a date for bingo! Well okay then!

We were excited but I honestly wasn’t expecting too much—the flier they sent home didn’t have too much information on it (and of course I was expecting something closer to what I’d given them as an example). There were no pre-paid family deals, they didn’t tell you what any of the prizes were, it said extra bingo cards were $1, it didn’t tell you how much food cost… So we figured it would be a total crap shoot.

We show up about 15 minutes early hoping it’s early enough to find a parking spot and…the lot was basically empty. Oh boy. And there were only about 10 of us waiting outside. Right then I had this feeling it was going to be a failure and I was already feeling horrible that the idea was a bust and I should have been more proactive in helping plan it… And I was worried about everything.

But then they let us in and wow. It was game on. Organized to the Nth degree. Tons of helpers. People selling 50/50 raffle tickets. Food set up in one gym (pizza slices, popcorn, water, and bundt cakes from the delicious local bundt place). A line to pick up your free bingo card and buy more. (It was here I ran into my neighbor who was very surprised when I told her bingo was my idea. She said she’d wished she’d known! I agreed!) The second gym was completely full with tables and chairs and balloons. The bingo screen was projected on two walls (they used Google sheets to keep track of games).

There was a huuuuuge line of prizes.

Runners walking around to check bingos. (They’d give you a ticket if you won, then you’d go up to pick your prize and turn in your ticket to the desk.) Bingo chips instead of daubers.

Crazy kids at the tables. 🙂

And it was fun and lots of people were winning. We weren’t, which of course was a bummer because we were all so close so many times. And then Tom won. And then on the very last card of the night I won, too. Yay!

Before we knew it the night was over. On our way out the PTO president thanked me again for the idea. I apologized for not following up and helping organize and she said not to worry about it—she basically gave them the idea and my notes and they ran with it! Yay!

We took our picture when we got home, though you can’t really see all our spoils (magic rocks, a Woodland sweatshirt, and a gift certificate to a sub place).

Katie’s first official Lego build!

The official Lego rules state that you have to be six years old so we’ve been playing by the rules…but at the last build they asked why she wasn’t building and we said because she wasn’t six yet. They told us they don’t care and to just sign her up. YAY!

Of course Owen was done in a few minutes, but she kept at it and did it with barely any help!

Easter Bunnies

The good thing about the kids getting older? I don’t feel the need to be up at 6:30am with them to look for eggs! (Tom was up, though–he’s always up!) I heard them excitedly searching for and finding them, then rolled over and went back to sleep for a bit. When I did get up, I made them pose with their because of course. 🙂

This is part of what it looks like while I’m trying to take them:

And then moments later they got their Easter treat: xbox time!


Me: Owen, put your Lego robot away.

Owen does nothing and wastes time.

Me: Owen, put all your Legos on a tray and put it on the other room.

Owen: Why do I have to?

Me: Because it can’t stay in the middle of the floor right where everyone needs to walk. Put everything away on a tray.

Again he does nothing.

Me: Owen. Legos. Tray.

I see him moving stuff around.

Me: Owen, did you seriously just push everything in a pile against the wall? GET. A. TRAY.

Owen’s 9th birthday sleepover!

We decided to do a big summer party again so Owen invited two friends to spend the night.

Katie was thrilled to be able to play Xbox with the boys.


Katie helping get the cake ready. (Owen picked it out at Sam’s Club yesterday.)

Oliver and Brandon

Everything went really well. They were crazy loud at times but they were all really well-behaved and were in bed by 11 and had stopped chatting by 11:30…